Get Started
Cloud Computing
Usage and Benefits of SaaS for SMEs in KSA
Bluvalt brief intro and value proposition
English Video Guides
Assigning Security Groups
Attach a Volume
Attaching a network to a Virtual Instance
Creating a Virtual Instance
Creating a Virtual Network
Creating a Virtual Router
Extending a Volume size
Floating IPs
Resizing an Instance
Security Groups
Taking an Instence Snapshot
Create your Bluvalt Free Account
Register to Bluvalt As Saudi Domain
Arabic Video Guides
Assigning Security Groups
Attach a Volume
Attaching a network to a Virtual Instance
Creating a Virtual Instance
Creating a Virtual Network
Creating a Virtual Router
Extending a Volume size
Floating IPs
Security Groups
Virtual Network
Install and configure secured VPN for your VDC
Allocate a Floating (Public) IP to instance
Configure an additional interface to instances
Deploying Highly Available instances using VIP
Disabling the RPF Feature for Enhanced Network Compatibility
How to use Iperf to measure Bandwidth in Windows
Instance Internet Access
Publish a Service through Palo Alto Firewall
Using Iperf to measure Bandwidth in Windows
Configuring host route and static route
Attach Fixed IP address to VM
Create Network in Bluvalt
Virtual Storage
Buckets Policy Examples
Cloud Storage services for enterprises
Create multiple instance from a snapshot volume
Extend root Partition Centos
How to Create a Volume
How to Install Object Storage Clients
How to Subscribe to Object Storage
How to Take a Scheduled Daily Volumes Snapshots
How to Take a Scheduled Weekly Volumes Snapshots
How to use Object Storage
How to Use Object Storage CLI Clients
Increase Root Disk Space
Installing/Updating KVM Virtio Drivers in Windows
Load Balancer
New Features for S3 Object Storage
S3 Object Storage REST APIs
Swift Object Storage REST APIs
Virtual Servers
Create an Instance Snapshot
How to Access Virtual Server by Console
How to Pause a Virtual Server
How to resize Nova instance
How to use The Virtual Data Center
Install Windows Server in VDC
Managing a Virtual Server
Password Based Authentication Linux
Terminate (Delete) a virtual server
Access Linux Machines from Windows
Attach Fixed IP address to VM
How to Create a Virtual Server
Boot Windows instance from ISO
Creating New User and Adding SSH Keys to instance
Extend root Partition Centos
Increase Root Disk Space
Installing/Updating KVM Virtio Drivers in Windows
How To ?
How to install and use OpenStack command-line clients - Data Centers APIs
Publish a Service through Palo Alto Firewall
Deploy csi-plugin for cinder storage
Redis Image Guide Version 5
Scaling Kubernetes clusters with Rancher and Terraform
Password based authentication for Bluvalt Linux Servers
MySQL Images
Running Kubernetes on Bluvalt
How to Migrate from Centos8 to Rocky8
How to Create a Private key
Access Linux Machines from Windows Client
API Access
Changing Centos 8 repo to Centos Stream8
Configure a Galera Cluster with MySQL 5.6 on Ubuntu
Create QCOW2 Image for Openstack
Creating GlusterFS on Bluvalt Cloud
Creating GlusterFS on Bluvalt Cloud
Desktop as a Service
FIO howto
Grep Command to Find Files
Guide for deploy Elasticsearch cluster with Kibana on Ubuntu 18.04
How to configure Linux with multiple interface and default route
How to get your VM up again after failed in upgrading Kernel
How To Install and Configure Prometheus
How To Install A Desktop And VNC On Ubuntu 16.04
How to Install MariaDB on Ubuntu
How To Migrate User Accounts and Passwords in Active Directory
How to Securely Transfer Files Between Linux Systems
How to Setup HAProxy Load Balancer on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04
How to Take a Scheduled Daily Volumes Snapshots
How to Take a Scheduled Weekly Volumes Snapshots
Install iPerf to Diagnose Network Speed in Linux
Install LAMP Server in Ubuntu
Install WordPress on Ubuntu with Apache2, MariaDB and PHP
Install WordPress with Obtaining SSL Certificate in Custom Domain
Load Balancer
Management APIs
Passwordless authentication for Windows instance
Set Up WireGuard VPN on CentOS (Server and Client)
Set Up WireGuard VPN on Ubuntu (Server and Client)
Ubuntu 18.04 with multiple interface and multiple default route
Using Terraform to provision VMs
My server has no swap?
Unable to Delete Instance
Downloading external volumes?
Can I attach a Single volume to multiple servers?
Can I increase disk space?
Can I scale up and scale down VMs without reboot?
Can I share Images across multiple projects?
Can I use Addrespair concept in for my HA applications?
Can I use my own Images?
Can I use my own Windows server license with your cloud?
Can I use shared volume for my virtual servers?
Do you support Automatic Elasticity?
How to access a virtual server by console?
How to access Windows machines?
How to increase Quota?
I want to use your cloud as a DR for my local DC, is this possible?
Is it possible to Attach Two network interface on a Virtual Machine?
Is there downtime when I resize a server?
MailValt FAQ
OpenStack Cloud Upgrade 2021
Pausing a virtual server
Should I use Security Groups when using an internal network?
Using your own flavors?
What are the default username and password for Linux Servers ?
What is the difference between SSD-GP and standard?
What is the Zone concept?
What is this Security Classifications in Marketplace Dashboard?
Which CPU type does KVM send to an instance?
Why 4TB hard drive only shows 2TB?
Why do we need to have multiple networks and multiple routers?
Does bluvalt supports Automation?
Attach a Volume
Assigning Security Groups
Attaching a network to a Virtual Instance