You can either use the Python Swift Client for swift tenants or Amazon AWS CLI client for S3 tenants, this depends on your needs. The following is a demonstration on how to install both clients on Ubuntu and CentOS OS.
S3 Client Installation
Run the following command to install the Amazon AWS CLI tool to access your S3 tenant
1. Ubuntu Installation
user@local:~# sudo apt install awscli
2. CentOS Installation
user@local:~# sudo yum install awscli
And follow the prompt to install the package and its dependencies.
Swift Client Installation
Run the following command to install the Python Swift Client CLI tool to access your Swift tenant
1. Ubuntu Installation
user@local:~# sudo apt install python-swiftclient
2. CentOS Installation
user@local:~# sudo yum install python-swiftclient
And follow the prompt to install the package and its dependencies.
Windows installation will be added soon...